Friday, May 25, 2012

Journal Entry 82: My Last Journal Entry

Wow, this is my last journal entry; LAST JOURNAL ENTRY!!!, isn't that exciting? I mean, no more journal after this eh!!! Journal entry has been driving me crazy since I started to write them; they are really annoying, it just increase your homework when you have a lots of homework already. However, I think writing journals help me a lot; I mean, when you are writing a short paragraph, you might spent many times on thinking how to write, but when you write many journal every week, you might only need little time to finish your short paragraph. This helps me a lot; it might just save me lots of time on writing a whether short paragraph or long essay. OK, now I look over all of my journal entry, and I think it's cool when you see all the stuff you write   through out all the time. Where I think I can improve?? Yea, definitely, I think I can change the font into other kinds, and change the background; I can, but I am just too lazy to do all those thing (actually I don't care about those thing though :P). Actually, I feel awesome because when you copy all the stuff that you have written and  paste it on a blank word, then you take a look, you'll see..................THERE IS A LOT OF WORDS!!!! HAHAHA...  (not funny, I know)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Journal Entry 81: In Defense of My Treasure

In "The Treasure of Lemon Brown", Lemon Brown defend for his own treasure, which others think it's no-so-important and no value thing for others. A person's own treasure must meant something to their own, so as Mr. Brown. He thinks his treasure is very very important to him, like how treasure box meant to the pirates. However, Mr. Brown's treasure was sort of Jesse's remnant for Mr. Brown.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Journal Entry 80: My Treasure

Well, everyone has their own treasure, but I think my treasure is my family. For me, family is like the most important thing in my life. Our own family always take care of us, which makes them my treasure of my life. They raised me when I was still a baby. but the most difficult stuff that they do is that they have to stand our rebellion. They even spend many money on us, like send us to expensive school, buying other clothing stuff, and the entertainment technology stuff. Some other people think the money, jewelry, and gold are their treasure, but I think those kind of things can be lost very easily, then that treasure means nothing to you. We should totally respect our family and cherish them as your most valuable thing. My family (actually is my grandmother who lives in Taipei) take care of me since I was born in Taipei. My grandmother raised me until I was 1, which they said is not that easy because my dad always said that I kept crying if my grandma didn't carrying me around. Then, I was sent to Houlong, where I was raised until I finished kindergarten. My grandpa always took me and my sister to a ride during the weekend, and sometimes I always help my another grandma to wrap the flower in her store. Well, I think that's all. All I want to mention again is that you have to cherish your family, because you only have one family in your whole life.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Journal Entry 79: My Background

I am Renee Chang. I am born in Taipei, Taiwan. I used to live there and raised by my grandma until I was 1. Then I moved to Houlong (in Miaoli) when I went to kindergarten. Lastly, I moved to Hsinchu where I went to elementary school and middle school, maybe even high school. I am a freethinker, which means I don't have any religious belief. I have one sister, 3 uncles, and 4 cousins. I was born on October third. My grandfather was a general in the army; since he is a general, it is easier for my father to "survive" in the army. My father works as an administrator; it is the one of the easiest job in the army. I think my sister is insane, she likes to "bully" (making fun) of me, which is very very annoying. I don't understand why people wants to have a younger or older sibling, I mean, sometimes they will make fun of us, and sometimes there will be having some fights with us. But not me, although there are fights between me and my sister, but that was before; now, we treat each other fair and we talk about everything. Well, I love my family, except when my parents are yelling at me.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Journal Entry 78: Style

I think the style of "Raymond's Run" is probably the speaker of the story likes to criticize other people and make the other people in the story think that they are the best in whole world.  After all, the main idea in this story is that the main character of the story, Squeaky, said she is the fastest thing in the world, no one is faster than her. Squeaky doesn't like those people who like to act like things come to them "naturally", even they said that they didn't practice a thing. In the story, Squeaky knows a girl named Cynthia Procter, who is the opposite to Squeaky; if there is a test tomorrow, Cynthia will just said something fun to everyone just to let all of them know that Cynthia is not thinking or reviewing of the quiz. Another person that Squeaky talks about is her enemy is a clique: included Gretchen and her sidekicks: Mary Louise, and Rosie. Gretchen is always thinking that she can beat Squeaky. In "Raymond's Run", the author uses imagery to describe how Squeaky is doing her breathing exercise. Another elements of style is dialect because Squeaky told the story in her point of view and also express her feelings and thoughts in this story.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Journal Entry 77: Slang

Slang is the use of informal words and impressions that are not considered as standard in the speaker's language or dialect. Well, I think the common slangs we use now is like "LOL", "LMAO", "ROFL", "LMFAO", "IDK", "WTH", "WTF" something like that (I'm not even sure about those acronyms; are they considered as slang? Actually I think it's a slang, because I heard some people use IDK in class or something like that). So those acronym mean like --> LOL stands for laugh out loud; LMAO stands for laugh my ass out; ROFL stands for rolling on floor laughing; LMFAO stands for laugh my fxxxxx ass out; the rest of the "slangs", yea, you guys know what those stands for. Nowadays, I think people use dude, man, bro some stuff like that to call other people. So, examples are like, hey dude wassup??. Or, LOL!! Man! LMAO!! Well, I don't even know why people use dude for men and women; so sometimes my sort of 'friend" (don't get confuse, it's the friend that I really hate that much) always use dude to scream at me when I did something wrong (however that thing I did wrong is my own business, not her's). Oh well, if you guys don't understand, I got some short videos that I found on Youtube can help you understand more about acronyms.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Journal Entry 76: Analogy

"Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you get". This is from the movie "Forrest Gump"; his mama told him this sentence to remind him how life is special. Me, my analogy is "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know which one is the expired one". It means that the life is full of surprised, but sometimes you never know when will you meet the problem. It also compare life with chocolate in the first part of the sentence, then in the second part of the sentence, it compare the chocolate that is expired or not. In my opinion, I think it is so true, because sometime you will just get surprise by the surprise (this sounds kinda wrong, but you get what I mean). Trust is like a mirror, if you break it, it can't be fixed. In this sentence, they compare the trust with the mirror. If the mirror broke, then it can't be fixed; although you can fixed it, but in the future, the mirror will still have some crack. I think this analogy is so true. If a person lie to you once, they will lie to you twice, so it's better if you leave them.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Journal Entry 75: Fighting Wrods

In your life, there must be some people or person who is worth for you to fight for them (for me, I'm willing to defend for them). In "Raymond's Run", Squeaky defends for her brother, Raymond; I think it is fair that Squeaky defend for her brother because her brother has some kind of problem with his body. I have gotten into a fight and an argument before only because some boys in our class is making fun of me and my best friend. I was so mad at them so I stand up and shout, "shut up!! You guys don't even know a thing about me and my best friend!!". After I shout this out, my teacher talked to those boys who make fun of us after class. I was happy because those boys finally got their punishment for making fun of the others. Sometimes it's necessary to use violence to solve the problem (depends on how harsh they treat you). If some people make fun of your family or your close friend, it is definitely to fight for them. In this case, I suggest you can use violence because insulting your family equals to insulting you; but violence won't help, the problem only gets worst. So here's a way for you to do this: I recommend you to use words to fight back, don't use violence.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Journal Entry 74: Below the Surface

Some of us judge people by judging the first impression of others. First, we look at the people, see whether they look handsome, cute, pretty or other kind of stuff. Then, we start to talk to them; from their voice and the content, we can know what kind of people they have been taught. After that, maybe we shall think whether you are a good friend or a bad friend. But, we discover the unknown side of the people; sometime, they shown us the new side of their personality. I kind of hate that, because it just shows other people that you are just being fake before. For example, I have a friend that I think she is really nice to others, but actually she always tell people the help her to do other stuff or go get her stuff (but those stuff is just beside her). It is kind of wrong to judge other people like these, it doesn't feel so good to been judge by others; one day, you might be judge by others like these. I think I have been judge by others before only because I'm too crazy about someone, and they just start making jokes about me and that person. I'm kind of mad about that because they only see one of my crazy side, not other good side of me.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Journal Entry 73: OOPS!

In this journal, I am going to write an incident in life which about an incident that is a first impression turned out to be wrong. First impression is the feeling or a comment that you have when you see a person, but sometimes, our first impression is mostly wrong. At first, we might think that person is very very nice, but actually they are bad to other people. Or, the person seems to be bad to other people, but actually they are nice to them. There's another kind of impression which is a person looks like having very big eyes and looks alone, but actually they are very annoying and keep following people (yes, I am describing the BOMB). Sometime, people can make a conclusion about the first impression of what they think of them. One time, I met a girl, the first impression that I have to her is that she seems very quite, but actually she is being annoying and distracting. Another experience that I have to another girl is she looks like skinny, speak English very well, very fashion and she brush her teeth, but actually, she can't even read English text very well, not fashion at all, and she didn't brush her teeth for 5 days.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Journal Entry 72: My Tell-Tale Ending

"... Louder! Louder! Louder! Louder!". I scream and yell like a little girl is haunted by a ghost, I said, "I'm the killer! I kill the old man and hide him under the planks!! It's right over there!! Go and take a look for yourself!!". The police ripe off the planks and see a corpse without head, legs, and arms. "Take him back to the department!!", the chief said. They handcuff me and push me into the car and send me to the police department. They put me into a little room which is called a jail. I feel so mad at myself, I'm so mad that why did I kill the old man,maybe I'm really mad and insane? Maybe I really hate his eyes. Next day, I am sending to a court, after a serious debating, I am guilty and I will be hang. From now on, I am going to spent the rest of my life wisely in the jail. I think the life in jail is better than the life when I'm not in jail. There are free foods and I have times to do things I want to do with using the toilet and sleeping on the bed. The best thing is that I don't have to pay the rent of the house!!! In here, I have free room and free time. But tomorrow, I will say goodbye to the world, how sad is it. Ok, I guess that's it, my story will end here, I wish you guys (yes, you who is reading this right now) enjoy my story.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Journal Entry 71: Hints and Foreshadowing

 In ''The Tell-Tale Heart'', the narrator insist to said that he is not insane, but actually he is. At the beginning of the story, he prove that he is not insane by telling us he can hear the sound from heaven and hell, he is not destroyed something like that, then, he said, "how am I mad??". However, I still think this person is a total crazy person. The narrator LOVE and LIKE the character, which is the old man, but the old man's eye is like a eagle (vulture). The narrator feels creepy (this is the word for weird, but creepy sounds more formal in this journal) when he see the old man's eye, so he made up his mind to kill the old man. In the opening paragraph the narrator describe that he is not insane, but at the first few words, shows that he is definitely insane. If he is insane, then it is foreshadowing that he will kill somebody. BUT!! The narrator said that he is very very calm,also he is smart; however, the calm person won't be a crazy person. For example, the joker in "The Dark Knight", he is very very smart (he is like the Einstein, but it's villain version's Einstein). This story makes me feel creepy and nervous, because Poe uses the punctuation to create the feeling of nervous.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Journal Entry 70: Narrator

If the narrator is unreliable, then the whole story is unreliable, too. If the narrator is unreliable, then who will tell the story?? The other narrator? No way. The character? No way. (maybe?!) Then, why the writer of the story write a story with unreliable narrator? Maybe the author wants readers to be confused and misled by the unreliable narrator. Or, the author is trying to make the readers to think more deeper. In other stories, I think there is no stories that contain a narrator that cannot be trusted. Except for a horror stories called "The Tell-Tale Heart", a horror story that contains a unreliable narrator. Well, in real life, I think in real life everyone can be their own story's narrator, but every story is control by god. Well, basically, if a person tells you a story, you can't just believe that story is real or not, but sometimes you have to go find evidence about the story. There is some other exceptions about whether the story from your friends is real or not; if you have a best best friend and both of you promise that you will not lie to each other, then the unreliable narrator doesn't exist in the conversation. I would like to have this kind of friend, a friend that will listen to what I care.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Journal Entry 69: Scary Stories

I am scared of some of the things, like cockroaches, spiders, frogs (the real one, not the cartoon one), and many other things. I think those common thing that everyone is scared of makes up a pretty good scary story; however, those scary things have to pop out unexpected to scare people. The scary scream also count as a elements of being a part of the scary stories (scream doesn't quite count in a scary or horror stories, but it does count in the movie). I think the insects are scary only because of the way the walk and fly and their shape and structure. Some scary movie like "The Grudge" scares me (although I'm not the kind of person that is really easy to be scared). I mean, the ghosts usually appear at night or not being see (it does not include before the camera), but in "The Grudge", the small little boy ghost appears at day. It scares me because the boy looks pale white and HE IS NAKED!!!! The most important thing is that he is NAKED and he is grabbing a girl's leg. The ghosts in "The Grudge" is really disgusting!! (like people who shall not be named) It looks like they haven't shower for few months. I think being a ghost is scary, but its a ghost that looks like someone and it does not take the shower for many months!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Journal Entry 68: My Style

A person's style is the way that he or she show him or herself. Well, let me think of what my style is... I think I'm kind of weird (?!) I guess, because I don't like to being showing off something I have, unlike my another friend. However, I think I have double style. Something like being optimistic; I feels optimistic because sometimes I always think the bright side of a problem or a question. Sometimes I am immature because I uses some weird sound to joke around with other people (it's nothing wrong but I feel its kind of weird to be immature/a kid). Sometimes, I think I'm normal; talking to my classmate, chatting after school online with my friend, laughing at some funny stuff or videos, and going to school normally with wearing normal outfit prove that I am normal. BUT!!! Sometimes I am energetic, always wanted to move around or playing around; however!!!! I am NOT like GienChuae, always moving the table during class or staring at others when he/she doesn't ave a computer with him/her. People might think that I'm like the sky, unpredictable, but actually, it's opposite. My name is Renee Chang, my favorite sports are basketball and badminton. Sometimes I like to talk to people, but sometimes I like to walk by myself.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Journal Entry 67: Betrayal

In Dwight Okita's poem "In Response to Executive Order 9066", a Japanese girl who thinks she is a real American was betrayed by her friend who was a real American names Denise. During that period, which is World War II, American and Japanese were having a war. Before the Japanese girls was betrayed by Denise, they were the best friend; they look at boys together; she tells Denise she's going bald, Denise tells her to copy on tests. But one day, Denise was sitting far away from the Japanese girl, Denise said, "you're trying to start w war, giving secrets away." Since during the World War II period the American hates Japanese, Denise thought the Japanese girls would give the secrets to the Japanese government. The Japanese girl response to the betrayed by giving Denise a packet of tomato seeds and tells her when the first tomato ripened, she would miss her. The sentence that the Japanese girl said means she's leaving to the camp that kept the Japanese during the war. I've saw one of my friend (lets call her A) was betrayed by another one of my friend (lets call her B), and here's the story: A and B was good friend (not best but good), A trusted B and told B one of A's secret and told B not to tell anyone. However, B was been a big mouth and told everyone in the school A's secret. A feels betrayed, then A stop talking to B because A thinks B will tell everyone about what A is thinking.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Journal Entry 66: Real American

How can a real Japanese said that she is a real american? It is like a donkey said that it is a horse!! Anyways, in Dwight Okita's "In Response to Executive Order 9066", Dwight said that she have always felt funny to use the chopsticks, her favorite food is hot dog, and her best friend is a "white" girl named Denise (why did Dwight use the word "white"?? It's kind of racist when you use the word "white" to call a real american). Dwight choose those details to say that she is a real american because the most common impression from us to american is that their snacks are hamburger, hot dog, milkshake, and deep fried chicken. Using "funny to use chopstick" and "favorite food is hot dog" is pretty convincing because it is the mostly common impression to american. However, I think it is kind of weird that Dwight lived in America and called herself as an American but she is actually Japanese. If I was Dwight and I want to using details of "us" (Taiwanese) to describe myself, I think I would use "having an Asian look",and "using chopsticks very well like other Asians". This is most common details that I can think of when the first thing that come up my mind about the self-description details.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Journal Entry 65: General Conditions

In the story, Camp Harmony can be describe as a crappy, dirty place that located in United State. Around this camp, horrible wires are surrounding the camp, makes it looks like a haunted, abandoned camp; but also, the wire makes the camp looks cramped and small. I guess Americans put the wires on top of the fence because they don't want Japanese to run away. The whole camp is every scary only because of the wire on the fence. However, they divided the camp into A, B, C, D zone. They (Americans) allot Japanese and others into different zone; maybe is because of their nationality, or maybe is because their level. Life in there sucks at all!! They have to be in their room at nine o'clock at night, and they have to turn their lights off when the clock reaches ten at night. But this is not the worst thing about Camp Harmony. I think the worst thing about Camp Harmony is the meal they eat there!!! I think the meal over there is not meal for us to eat; the bread is not soft, is like slab; and the potato is only boiled, not with any flavor. I think this is enough for people to live with this foods, but some people might complain about it in today's world. In Camp PAS, at least everything is better than Camp Harmony. No rules like go to your room at nine o'clock in the night (at least not for us, it's for dorm student...) or rules like turn the lights off at ten o'clock. The food in Camp PAS looks much better than the food in Camp Harmony, although I bring my own lunch to school.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Journal Entry 64: Camp Harmony

The word harmony means peace, happiness, harmless, unity; however, this word also means a pleasant combination of music. I think this word "harmony" isn't appropriate for the camp in this story, because the camp is a place where they put the Japanese and German during WWII. It sounds a little bit ironic because some of them don't even know where and why are they going to that place. The people who name Camp Harmony is so bad at naming; they didn't think about others who are being cheated to go to the Camp Harmony. However, the name Camp Harmony sounds not so horrible; if the name is "Camp of Bad Ass" or "Camp of Criminals", then most of the people will hide and refuse to go there. Monica Sone uses the adjective "hopefully" because Camp Harmony sounds something peaceful; since it sounds peaceful, the other adjective that is appropriate for harmony is hopeful. If I had to give a camp a name, I think I will name it Camp of Happiness or Camp of Rainbow Ponies. Camp of Rainbow Ponies sounds much more peaceful and attracting, and it sounds peaceful than Camp Harmony. Seriously, if I can really name the camp, my camp will be so crowded only because of the name of my camp.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Journal Entry 63: Camp Pictures

In out Elements of Literature book page 476, there is a "crowded" picture. In this picture, many people are line up and  going into a warehouse like house. Behind the house, there are three tall chimneys with smoke coming out. People outside the house are line up; children and their parents are in the line with them in the front of the line. I think the house can't contain that much people at once because there are many people. However, if look closer to the picture, there are people in the house already before others go inside the house. I guess the life there is super boring because they have to stay in a small place (comparing to large amount of people) with a large group of people. If I live there, I will be insane, because the house will be hot and humid; everybody release lots of carbon dioxide at the same time, the oxygen will become less. The place in the picture is totally different from the place I live now. In the picture, the people that are going into the house is around 50 times of my family members. There must be very crowded in this picture. The people of the place I live in is less than those people in the picture. I am so glad that I am not living in that kind of place.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Journal Entry 62: Spring Break

First, I have to complain about the spring break, just few or more sentences. SPRING BREAK IS TOO SHORT!! WHY IT CAN'T BE MORE LONGER!!! Ok, I'm done of complaining how short the spring break is. Now, let me tell you guys about what I do on my spring break. I have fun on my spring break. Our spring break is actually our graduation trip. We went to Bali for our graduation trip. Bali is very very hot, however, the cool and icy drinks could always cool us down. Those icy drinks taste very delicious and their name is very creative. For example, "baby money" is made up of orange juice, pineapple juice and other passion fruit juice. (something like that...I guess...) "Oasis" is made up of lemon juice, soda water, and strawberry juice. Another drink that I love the most is Mocha milkshake; it is very delicious that I stay up at the night and went to the bar to order one of the mocha milkshake to drink. At night like 8:30 ~ 10:30, some of us girls and boys went to swimming in the pool. It feels kind of awesome because Club Med have night party near the bar. At the last night, we went to shopping. I spent only 25 US dollars (about 750 NT) on buying the clothing and other food like cup noodle (it taste good, too.) I like the graduation trip. I have never been to Bali except this time. I wish that I can go to Bali next time if I had chance.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Journal Entry 61: Film v Book

Have you guys ever watch "A Cry In The Wild"? This is a movie based on a famous novel called "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. Then, have you ever think about the similarities and differences between two version of Hatchet? I'm guess you do. The film actually contain the most important and important part of the book; unlike the book, the author describes the tiny part of the story. However, the basic part of the book is still the same as the part of the film. The characters, plot, or others. Although sometime, the film change the name of the character, and the events in the book. I suggest you to read the book first, then watch the movie, because the book describe more details that in the film. For example, in the book Brian land on the water, but in the film, Brian cannot control the steering wheel and land on the water like he's doing it on purpose. Each medium tells a story, but in different ways. The film is easier for the audience to remember most of the plot of the story; in the books, although it describe every detail of the story, but sometimes you'll get bored by reading the unexcited part of the story.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Journal Entry 60: Hip-Hop Language

Hip-hop language, actually I don't know what's hip-hop language; the only thing I know about the hip-hop language is like the lyrics of "6 foot 7 foot" by Lil Wayne, something like that. Since this journal we have to write about hip-hop language and everyday activities and my everyday activities is wake up early in the morning and study and study or go to school, I guess my topic is about my daily life and activities, but only in a "hip-hop" and "funky" way. Hey! Today I woke up in the morning and I feel great! Yo, I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and I feel great! Wow! I arrived at school before I was lock out! Damn! I got good score on every test in different class! What's up? I said to my friends during lunch time. Cool! We don't have homework for this class today! Ha! The bell of the last class is going to ring! Yeh! We can finally go home now! Oh my god! I totally forget about the presentation tomorrow!! I'm screw! Finally, my today ended with hip-hop style.
I think this journal entry is not really true because I didn't get good score on every test in different class. Anyways, I did write something by using hip-hop language, so I guess that I get a full credit??

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Journal Entry 59: Epic Language

Since this journal suppose to be epic, and use "fancy"word, so now I am going to write an epic poem about my  "Everyday to be in the school":

Everyday when I woke up this morning I feel fantastic!
All the things seem so realistic.
In the car on the way to school,
I was listening to "What Makes You Beautiful"
By One Direction, and I feel really really great.
I met my awesome friends and peers,
They make me feels fancy.
To be honest, being with them light up my "fancy" life.
On the class of each period, we laugh,
Making fun of "someone", and even day-dreaming.
During the lunch time, I rush to the place where the microwave placed,
Trying to be the first one to use the "heating machine".
After lunch, next is other 2 period of class.
Finally, the awesome life-saver bell ran.
At the same time, I rush home to turn my coolest computer,
open a website called "Facebook".
Then, I posted few pictures of furry monster,
which is a cookie monster, but it's more furrier than before.
Now, everyone should be a fan of fancy furry monster
After they seen the furry monster photos.
All I have to do now, is to write a fancy conclusion to end my fancy journal entry: epic.
I think my life-saver is my peers, my music, my Facebook, and the furry monster.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Journal Entry 58: Luck

In Hatchet, Brian says that his survival is depend on luck more than anything else. Well yes, I agree with what Brian said, when he almost knock unconscious during the plane crash but he still survive. He is lucky because he is only thirteen years old and he still survive in the Canadian wood for almost two months. He is lucky because he is able to catch food. He is also lucky because he become more observant and sensitive after this "adventure". However, he has back luck, too. He has bad luck because he had a plane crash in the wilderness. Also, he got attacked by porcupine, moose, and tornado; plus, he had to rebuild his shelter after the tornado!! The worst thing that had happen to Brian is that he was on his way to visit his father in Canada, but on the way, he saw someone died, and having a plane crash after he saw a person died; the worst thing is that, that person was his pilot on the plane!! The ways to get a good luck is very simple. Going to pray or baibai (Chinese tradition) is a way to get a good luck. If you are a christian, you can draw a cross on your hand or somewhere else (it is helpful). The bad luck occurs on you when you see a black cat.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Journal Entry 57: What Makes Fire

In the book "Hatchet", Brian used what he learned in school, watch on television, observe what is around him to apply in the wild when he was trapped in the wilderness. To me, first I thought you can make fire by rubbing 2 sticks, but at last, it doesn't work. Brian tried to make a fire, but he fail many times. After he used his "brain", Brian start to figure out the 3 main necessary conditions to make a fire: The hatchet, which is to make sparks; wood, which is to make friction; and the heat, which is called temperature, too. The first time he tried to make a fire is by rubbing 2 sticks, but then he found out this type of making fire doesn't work. Then, the second time Brian tried to make fire is by using the hatchet. He accidentally hit the wall although he aimed the porcupine in his shelter, then the sparks came out. Brian figured out the way to make a fire. At first, Brian used his hatchet to create some sparks on the "dry" woods, but it still doesn't work. He think, "something must go wrong," then, he blew on the wood while he added some sparks on the wood. Finally, Brian had made his first fire.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Journal Entry 56: Lost in the Woods

If I was lost in the wood, I will scream first. at least someone might heard my scream; if they didn't hear the scream, at least I tried to scream. If I can choose where can I was lost in the wilderness, I will definitely choose to be lost in the woods. In the woods, there are many animals; animals can be killed and become our food; also, the dry woods can make a fire if you know how to. However, in the wood is still dangerous; if there are animals, therefore, there must be strong, terrible animals in the woods, too. In case of I lost in the woods, here is a plan for me to survive in the wood. First, I will collect some dry woods and arrange them into the sign "SOS", in case that is some rescue airplane or helicopter come; I will keep some dry limbs so it came be made into a fire. Second, I must build my own shelter. Like Brian, my shelter must be close to a pond or river, so it will be easier to obtain water. Third, Food is also important, so I have to search for some foods.  Finally and last, I should always be ready to protect myself and the foods; not only protecting myself, but also, I should always be ready to grab a fire and run to SOS place to ignite the SOS sign.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Journal Entry 55: Personal Assets

In Hatchet, Brian was lost in the wild, alone. When his plane crashed, he is the only survivor. The only thing he had is his hatchet. But, his English teacher told him to be positive, whether the situation is bad or worse. The hatchet, which means a very important thing to him, helps him to make a fire, chopping off the dry limbs, and even kill an animal. His English teacher's advice helps he a lot, too. "Keep Positive" was like the reason of why Brian stay alive; he try to think positive, do things positive.
My greatest asset is the my friend and my family. They always support me and encourage me to try things that I  have never try before. Although my friends and family support me in anywhere, anytime, but in the wild, all this encouragement is useless. In the wild, the only thing that will help me to survive is myself, and the suggestion that my friend and family give. Optimism is my quality. Keep positive is my strategy when I'm trapped in the wilderness. Although optimism is not a thing that we can can touch, but it exist in yourself. So...keep positive and optimistic when you are alone.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Journal Entry 54: Solving Problems

I had learned many things from reading many books. You can learn different writing styles, literary terms and applying them in your own piece of writing. You can also learn the principle of life. Movie and television show also puts out many "educational" stuff to teach the young kids or adults. "Phineas and Ferb" is a television show which kids and adults love to watch. In this show, Phineas and Ferb always drive their sister crazy; this teach me that even though how hard you want to bust your brother, it won't work; if it doesn't work, then why bother trying to do it?
I also learned many things from Life Science class. This class teaches me about the structure of almost every species in the world. Information about life science will help me on the career when I grow up. I want to be a forensic doctor (at least it is now my personal goal). If I don't know about the human body structure, then how am I going to be a forensic doctor? So, Life science is very very important to all of us (at least to me).
Oh! Algebra!! It is also the most important in the world. The first time I learned about algebra, I thought it is useless, it's just a bunch of numbers, then I start to figure out that algebra live with us in this world! We use algebra when we are buying things, trading stuff, and even increase our desire of knowledge.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Journal Entry 53: Triolet

Triolet of End of the Hall
At the end of the hall
There is a mirror
which hang on the wall
At the end of the hall
I throw a ball
It make a sound of horror
At the end of the hall
There is a mirror

Triolet of Chubby Bunny
Once there is a bunny
They jump very high
But it is very chubby
Once there is a bunny
They looks funny
They can jump higher that out of our sight
Once there is a bunny 
They jump very high

Friday, March 2, 2012

Journal Entry 52: You and Nature

Almost everyone said that "nature is mother of Earth," I agree with it. Nature, means bugs everywhere, which I hate in the world. Bug looks weird and disgusting, but some of them are useful to this world, they have contributed to the world. Cockroaches, which I hate the most, are a decomposer, help to decompose the dead bodies of animals. Bees, it helps to carry the pollen to another flower while they were sucking the nectar; carrying the pollen to another flower helps flowers to reproduce. In the nature, there is still some animals that looks cute and furry. Bears, the furriest animal in the nature; they looks cute, but sometimes they attack people. Dog and cats, also the cutest animal in the world, is our best friend. Sometimes, the nature amazes me. Like Grand Canyon, is not human-made, attract many tourists every year. Niagara Falls, the greatest waterfall in the world, is not human-made, too. There are seasons in the nature, spring, summer, fall, and winter. Sometimes, the nature kills people. In the wild during the winter, people were stuck in the woods, and they died because of freezing. Finally, all I can say is that: be nice to the animals, don't kill any bugs if you were force to, or you will destroy the chain of the nature. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Journal Entry 51: Limerick Poem

Limerick Poem of Dime
A man got a shiny dime,
During the afternoon tea time;
But the dime has a curse,
And it can't be reverse,
So the man were killed by chock on the lime.

Limerick Poem of Unicorn
Once there was an unicorn,
It has a long, pointy horn.
One day, it saw a mate,
then they have a date.
Finally, a new unicorn was born.

Limerick Poem of Oreo Kid
In the studio,
Everyone were listened to the radio.
But there is one person,
He has no reason,
Sitting there and eat Oreo.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Journal Entry 50: Tanka Poem

Tanka Poem of River
Clean and clear river,
Flow smoothly through the valley.
Clear like a mirror,
Reflect your smile when you smile,
Shine when lights irradiate.

Tanka Poem of Dog
Dog is our best friend,
Comfort us when we're angry,
Protect their master,
Seize the pests in the houses,
Be the guardian as well.

Tanka Poem of Homework
Homework is demon,
Torture us when we are free,
I spent times on it,
And spent efforts on homework,
Finally, I finish it.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Journal Entry 49: Cinquain Poem

Cinquain of Perry the Platypus
is platypus.
Perry the Platypus.
A secret animal agent.

Cinquain of Cookie Monster
who likes cookies
named the cookie monster.
Often eats chocolate cookies.

Cinquain of Dolphin
smart animals,
have beautiful singing.
They are also quite smart.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Journal Entry 48: Haiku

Haiku of Elmo
There is a Elmo
His friend is Cookie Monster
They are so awesome

Haiku of Phineas and Ferb
Phineas and Ferb
With Perry the platypus
keep the world safely

Haiku of Resident Evil
Resident Evil
Which is about the zombies
is a nice movie

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Journal Entry 47: Diamante Poems

Diamante Poem of Meat & Vegetable
Reddish, Boneless
Eat, Poke, Swallow
Beef, Pork, Romaine Heart, Cabbage
Fracture, Chop, Cook
Green, Fleshy

Diamante Poem of Ice & Flame
Cold, Slippery
Shiver, Melt, Freeze
Ice-cream, Snow sculpture, Fire, Chemical Reaction
Flicker, Burn, Flash
Hot, Intense

Diamante Poem of Book & Computer
Hilarious, Mysterious
Read, Rip, Keep
Fiction, Novel, Mac book, Windows
Play, Type, Destroy
Helpful, Technical

Friday, February 17, 2012

Journal Entry 46: Acrostic

Today you will write an acrostic poem. Start by writing the letters of your first and last name down the left margin of your paper. Then use those letters to start short sentences or phrases about yourself. When you finish the poem about yourself, write another one about someone else using the same form. Choose anyone you want, real or fictional.

Rock music is one of her favorite type of music.
Easily distracted by something funny.
Need to pay attention on class.
Energetic after waking up at the morning.
Entertained people by saying funny words or sentences.
Can get a good grade if she studied hard.
Have many friends all over the world.
Amazing person like everyone else.
Nothing can stop her.
Great friend to be with.

Real or Fictional:

Spongy with many pores on his body.
Patrick star is his best friend.
Oxygen does not required for him.
Need more new outfits.
Generally, he is a cute character.
Entertain every children.
Bring many laughs to adult, too.
Ocean's pineapple is his house.
Best cartoon character in the whole world.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Journal Entry 45: List Poem

In our last journal, we wrote about a list that we do or like, then we have to wrote a poem with this list. I wrote about my day in school. Here it goes, the poem about my day in school:

The first class of my day in school is algebra class,
all we have to do is finish algebra worksheet all period.
It is important because it determines did I pass,
and I am serious.

Chatting with my friends,
goofing around,
until the school ends,
or heard the bell sound.

During a bunch of class,
I was daydreaming.
Simply not paying that much attention on class,
poor me.

Go on Facebook and Skype is my everyday business.
I also chat with my friend on Facebook and Skype,
with lots of non-carelessness.
without anyone of them, I will died.

It is usual to see me playing my game while I'm writing my homework.
Or wasting my time on watching TV.
It cause me loads of work to do after watching my friend flirt.
But I'm still playing Facebook with Tetris.

Listening to music makes my day.
It helps me to calm down.
Whenever the song started with a Hey!
Everyone started to count:
One, Two, Three!!!
We shout !!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Journal Entry 44: My List

  1. Finish Algebra worksheets all period.
  2. Chatting with my friends.
  3. Goofing around.
  4. Not paying that much attention on class.
  5. Daydreaming.
  6. Go on Facebook and Skype.
  7. Chat with my friends on Facebook and Skype.
  8. Play Tetris on Facebook.
  9. Playing my game while I'm doing my homework.
  10. Wasting my time on watching TV.
  11. Listening to musics.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Journal Entry 43: Elements of Poetry

Poems are like stories; they both have a plot, setting, characters, and theme. But the elements that make up a poem are different than the elements that make up stories. The elements of poetry are figurative language, rhyme, theme, imagery, plot, characters, and settings. The elements of stories are plot, characters, setting, and conflict. As I list some of the elements of poem and stories, they shared the most common elements in common stories. Plot, characters, setting, and conflict all that stuff.
The example which I will provide is called Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out.
Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout
Would not take the garbage out!
She’d scour the pots and scrape the pans,
Candy the yams and spice the hams,
And though her daddy would scream and shout,
She simply would not take the garbage out.
And so it piled up to the ceilings:
Coffee grounds, potato peelings,
Brown bananas, rotten peas,
Chunks of sour cottage cheese.
This is few lines in Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out. The character is Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout. The conflict is Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout wouldn’t take the garbage out. The plot of this poem is all the lines in this poem; if you understand the meaning of the poem, then it would be easier to understand the plot. Finally, the setting, obviously is in Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout’s house.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Journal Entry 42: Ode

My ode is going to talk about my writing teacher in HAS (Hsinchu American School), but also my geometry teacher. His name is Mr. Porter. The worst thing about him is that his room is always dark, moist, and has a stinky smell. Although he is 70 something, and he is a old man, but he has a smell on his body. I know that saying a person's body smell isn't right, but the body smell on Mr. Porter is the smell that would only smell it on a old guy. While we're having his class, he would yell at us if our paper isn't in the format of MLA. In his geometry class, I almost fell asleep while he is talking. I did say many things about him that is negative, but sometimes he is a nice, peace, friendly, kind old man when we are not in class. Mr. Porter always welcome us to his room and start a chess game or card game, even when he has loads of work to do. When he knows about I am transferring to this school (Pacific American School), he shows his concern to me and said, "you are always welcome to send me an email, and I will send you back a respond when I read your email." Although Mr. Porter has many negative personality, but his positive personality is more than his negative personality. He is not just a teacher, he is also our friend.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Journal Entry 41: Poetry

The differences between poems and other forms of writing are that the poem often use symbolic words to represent the actual meaning of the word; but other forms of writing use simple words to tell the story. Generally, poems has more rhymes, but the other forms of writing doesn't. The poems do have some similarities   with other kinds of writing. Some poems are basically telling the story to the reader, so as other kinds of writing. Also, the poems can do the same thing as other forms of expression, such as telling the story through the lines in the poems, and changing the mood of the poems by using different tones. Still, some poems can do things that other forms of expression can't. Poems can be a long poetry, but songs can't; although story can be a novel, but the difference between novel and poem is that poem has rhyme at the end of the lines, the story don't. Not all the poems are all-power than other forms of writing. There are something that the poems can't do. Other forms of writing, such as stories, can convey the concrete information in the stories; but, the poems are more abstract to infer the actual meaning. In the present world, we can still see the poems around us. Songs are the transformation of the poems. They both express the emotions, inform the experiences, and create images in our head.