Friday, March 2, 2012

Journal Entry 52: You and Nature

Almost everyone said that "nature is mother of Earth," I agree with it. Nature, means bugs everywhere, which I hate in the world. Bug looks weird and disgusting, but some of them are useful to this world, they have contributed to the world. Cockroaches, which I hate the most, are a decomposer, help to decompose the dead bodies of animals. Bees, it helps to carry the pollen to another flower while they were sucking the nectar; carrying the pollen to another flower helps flowers to reproduce. In the nature, there is still some animals that looks cute and furry. Bears, the furriest animal in the nature; they looks cute, but sometimes they attack people. Dog and cats, also the cutest animal in the world, is our best friend. Sometimes, the nature amazes me. Like Grand Canyon, is not human-made, attract many tourists every year. Niagara Falls, the greatest waterfall in the world, is not human-made, too. There are seasons in the nature, spring, summer, fall, and winter. Sometimes, the nature kills people. In the wild during the winter, people were stuck in the woods, and they died because of freezing. Finally, all I can say is that: be nice to the animals, don't kill any bugs if you were force to, or you will destroy the chain of the nature. 

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