Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Journal Entry 80: My Treasure

Well, everyone has their own treasure, but I think my treasure is my family. For me, family is like the most important thing in my life. Our own family always take care of us, which makes them my treasure of my life. They raised me when I was still a baby. but the most difficult stuff that they do is that they have to stand our rebellion. They even spend many money on us, like send us to expensive school, buying other clothing stuff, and the entertainment technology stuff. Some other people think the money, jewelry, and gold are their treasure, but I think those kind of things can be lost very easily, then that treasure means nothing to you. We should totally respect our family and cherish them as your most valuable thing. My family (actually is my grandmother who lives in Taipei) take care of me since I was born in Taipei. My grandmother raised me until I was 1, which they said is not that easy because my dad always said that I kept crying if my grandma didn't carrying me around. Then, I was sent to Houlong, where I was raised until I finished kindergarten. My grandpa always took me and my sister to a ride during the weekend, and sometimes I always help my another grandma to wrap the flower in her store. Well, I think that's all. All I want to mention again is that you have to cherish your family, because you only have one family in your whole life.

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