Thursday, May 17, 2012

Journal Entry 78: Style

I think the style of "Raymond's Run" is probably the speaker of the story likes to criticize other people and make the other people in the story think that they are the best in whole world.  After all, the main idea in this story is that the main character of the story, Squeaky, said she is the fastest thing in the world, no one is faster than her. Squeaky doesn't like those people who like to act like things come to them "naturally", even they said that they didn't practice a thing. In the story, Squeaky knows a girl named Cynthia Procter, who is the opposite to Squeaky; if there is a test tomorrow, Cynthia will just said something fun to everyone just to let all of them know that Cynthia is not thinking or reviewing of the quiz. Another person that Squeaky talks about is her enemy is a clique: included Gretchen and her sidekicks: Mary Louise, and Rosie. Gretchen is always thinking that she can beat Squeaky. In "Raymond's Run", the author uses imagery to describe how Squeaky is doing her breathing exercise. Another elements of style is dialect because Squeaky told the story in her point of view and also express her feelings and thoughts in this story.

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