Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Journal Entry 77: Slang

Slang is the use of informal words and impressions that are not considered as standard in the speaker's language or dialect. Well, I think the common slangs we use now is like "LOL", "LMAO", "ROFL", "LMFAO", "IDK", "WTH", "WTF" something like that (I'm not even sure about those acronyms; are they considered as slang? Actually I think it's a slang, because I heard some people use IDK in class or something like that). So those acronym mean like --> LOL stands for laugh out loud; LMAO stands for laugh my ass out; ROFL stands for rolling on floor laughing; LMFAO stands for laugh my fxxxxx ass out; the rest of the "slangs", yea, you guys know what those stands for. Nowadays, I think people use dude, man, bro some stuff like that to call other people. So, examples are like, hey dude wassup??. Or, LOL!! Man! LMAO!! Well, I don't even know why people use dude for men and women; so sometimes my sort of 'friend" (don't get confuse, it's the friend that I really hate that much) always use dude to scream at me when I did something wrong (however that thing I did wrong is my own business, not her's). Oh well, if you guys don't understand, I got some short videos that I found on Youtube can help you understand more about acronyms.


  1. Nice, Dubby! Yeah, nowadays people just use acronyms as slangs. Actually, I think a lot of adults also know some of our "slangs". Which is not so nice, because if we say somthing like STFU or WTF, they understand too, sadly.

    1. OMG, I meant RENEE!!!! Sry, I subscribed to all of you, so I didn't know it was you instead of Dubby! I'm SO, SO sorry!!
