Thursday, April 19, 2012

Journal Entry 66: Real American

How can a real Japanese said that she is a real american? It is like a donkey said that it is a horse!! Anyways, in Dwight Okita's "In Response to Executive Order 9066", Dwight said that she have always felt funny to use the chopsticks, her favorite food is hot dog, and her best friend is a "white" girl named Denise (why did Dwight use the word "white"?? It's kind of racist when you use the word "white" to call a real american). Dwight choose those details to say that she is a real american because the most common impression from us to american is that their snacks are hamburger, hot dog, milkshake, and deep fried chicken. Using "funny to use chopstick" and "favorite food is hot dog" is pretty convincing because it is the mostly common impression to american. However, I think it is kind of weird that Dwight lived in America and called herself as an American but she is actually Japanese. If I was Dwight and I want to using details of "us" (Taiwanese) to describe myself, I think I would use "having an Asian look",and "using chopsticks very well like other Asians". This is most common details that I can think of when the first thing that come up my mind about the self-description details.

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