Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Journal Entry 74: Below the Surface

Some of us judge people by judging the first impression of others. First, we look at the people, see whether they look handsome, cute, pretty or other kind of stuff. Then, we start to talk to them; from their voice and the content, we can know what kind of people they have been taught. After that, maybe we shall think whether you are a good friend or a bad friend. But, we discover the unknown side of the people; sometime, they shown us the new side of their personality. I kind of hate that, because it just shows other people that you are just being fake before. For example, I have a friend that I think she is really nice to others, but actually she always tell people the help her to do other stuff or go get her stuff (but those stuff is just beside her). It is kind of wrong to judge other people like these, it doesn't feel so good to been judge by others; one day, you might be judge by others like these. I think I have been judge by others before only because I'm too crazy about someone, and they just start making jokes about me and that person. I'm kind of mad about that because they only see one of my crazy side, not other good side of me.

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