Friday, March 16, 2012

Journal Entry 58: Luck

In Hatchet, Brian says that his survival is depend on luck more than anything else. Well yes, I agree with what Brian said, when he almost knock unconscious during the plane crash but he still survive. He is lucky because he is only thirteen years old and he still survive in the Canadian wood for almost two months. He is lucky because he is able to catch food. He is also lucky because he become more observant and sensitive after this "adventure". However, he has back luck, too. He has bad luck because he had a plane crash in the wilderness. Also, he got attacked by porcupine, moose, and tornado; plus, he had to rebuild his shelter after the tornado!! The worst thing that had happen to Brian is that he was on his way to visit his father in Canada, but on the way, he saw someone died, and having a plane crash after he saw a person died; the worst thing is that, that person was his pilot on the plane!! The ways to get a good luck is very simple. Going to pray or baibai (Chinese tradition) is a way to get a good luck. If you are a christian, you can draw a cross on your hand or somewhere else (it is helpful). The bad luck occurs on you when you see a black cat.


  1. Renee,

    You are doing a great job on your journal entries. Keep up the good work.

    -M. McCool

  2. RENEE!! :) INDEED oh~ I do believe luck too, but I do not believe baibai. I do not think it brings you good luck. I baibai-ed before, but my dreams did not come true D: so i do not believe it :P
