Friday, April 13, 2012

Journal Entry 64: Camp Harmony

The word harmony means peace, happiness, harmless, unity; however, this word also means a pleasant combination of music. I think this word "harmony" isn't appropriate for the camp in this story, because the camp is a place where they put the Japanese and German during WWII. It sounds a little bit ironic because some of them don't even know where and why are they going to that place. The people who name Camp Harmony is so bad at naming; they didn't think about others who are being cheated to go to the Camp Harmony. However, the name Camp Harmony sounds not so horrible; if the name is "Camp of Bad Ass" or "Camp of Criminals", then most of the people will hide and refuse to go there. Monica Sone uses the adjective "hopefully" because Camp Harmony sounds something peaceful; since it sounds peaceful, the other adjective that is appropriate for harmony is hopeful. If I had to give a camp a name, I think I will name it Camp of Happiness or Camp of Rainbow Ponies. Camp of Rainbow Ponies sounds much more peaceful and attracting, and it sounds peaceful than Camp Harmony. Seriously, if I can really name the camp, my camp will be so crowded only because of the name of my camp.

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