Friday, May 18, 2012

Journal Entry 79: My Background

I am Renee Chang. I am born in Taipei, Taiwan. I used to live there and raised by my grandma until I was 1. Then I moved to Houlong (in Miaoli) when I went to kindergarten. Lastly, I moved to Hsinchu where I went to elementary school and middle school, maybe even high school. I am a freethinker, which means I don't have any religious belief. I have one sister, 3 uncles, and 4 cousins. I was born on October third. My grandfather was a general in the army; since he is a general, it is easier for my father to "survive" in the army. My father works as an administrator; it is the one of the easiest job in the army. I think my sister is insane, she likes to "bully" (making fun) of me, which is very very annoying. I don't understand why people wants to have a younger or older sibling, I mean, sometimes they will make fun of us, and sometimes there will be having some fights with us. But not me, although there are fights between me and my sister, but that was before; now, we treat each other fair and we talk about everything. Well, I love my family, except when my parents are yelling at me.

1 comment:

  1. D: Your sister is insane?! Yea, I do not get why people would want younger sibling, but I like older sibling thought, because I think the youngest child in the family always get what they like. : / Errr... my little brother... D; Good job oh Renee~
