Friday, May 25, 2012

Journal Entry 82: My Last Journal Entry

Wow, this is my last journal entry; LAST JOURNAL ENTRY!!!, isn't that exciting? I mean, no more journal after this eh!!! Journal entry has been driving me crazy since I started to write them; they are really annoying, it just increase your homework when you have a lots of homework already. However, I think writing journals help me a lot; I mean, when you are writing a short paragraph, you might spent many times on thinking how to write, but when you write many journal every week, you might only need little time to finish your short paragraph. This helps me a lot; it might just save me lots of time on writing a whether short paragraph or long essay. OK, now I look over all of my journal entry, and I think it's cool when you see all the stuff you write   through out all the time. Where I think I can improve?? Yea, definitely, I think I can change the font into other kinds, and change the background; I can, but I am just too lazy to do all those thing (actually I don't care about those thing though :P). Actually, I feel awesome because when you copy all the stuff that you have written and  paste it on a blank word, then you take a look, you'll see..................THERE IS A LOT OF WORDS!!!! HAHAHA...  (not funny, I know)

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, yea, we are all so excited about it! I think it is annoying, but it really helps us to improve our writing skills. : ) Hehe, I feel so proud of myself, I wrote "82" journal entrieS eh! Haha, good job Renee~!
