Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Journal Entry 59: Epic Language

Since this journal suppose to be epic, and use "fancy"word, so now I am going to write an epic poem about my  "Everyday to be in the school":

Everyday when I woke up this morning I feel fantastic!
All the things seem so realistic.
In the car on the way to school,
I was listening to "What Makes You Beautiful"
By One Direction, and I feel really really great.
I met my awesome friends and peers,
They make me feels fancy.
To be honest, being with them light up my "fancy" life.
On the class of each period, we laugh,
Making fun of "someone", and even day-dreaming.
During the lunch time, I rush to the place where the microwave placed,
Trying to be the first one to use the "heating machine".
After lunch, next is other 2 period of class.
Finally, the awesome life-saver bell ran.
At the same time, I rush home to turn my coolest computer,
open a website called "Facebook".
Then, I posted few pictures of furry monster,
which is a cookie monster, but it's more furrier than before.
Now, everyone should be a fan of fancy furry monster
After they seen the furry monster photos.
All I have to do now, is to write a fancy conclusion to end my fancy journal entry: epic.
I think my life-saver is my peers, my music, my Facebook, and the furry monster.

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