Thursday, March 1, 2012

Journal Entry 51: Limerick Poem

Limerick Poem of Dime
A man got a shiny dime,
During the afternoon tea time;
But the dime has a curse,
And it can't be reverse,
So the man were killed by chock on the lime.

Limerick Poem of Unicorn
Once there was an unicorn,
It has a long, pointy horn.
One day, it saw a mate,
then they have a date.
Finally, a new unicorn was born.

Limerick Poem of Oreo Kid
In the studio,
Everyone were listened to the radio.
But there is one person,
He has no reason,
Sitting there and eat Oreo.

1 comment:

  1. ah ha ha ha~ The UNICORN limerick is so cute~
    I like your creativity of the second poem. That is super awesomeee :)
    But I think the first line of the limerick have to do like this: da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
    Just a mistake~ it's okay :) GOOD JOB RENEE~ :)
