Friday, March 9, 2012

Journal Entry 55: Personal Assets

In Hatchet, Brian was lost in the wild, alone. When his plane crashed, he is the only survivor. The only thing he had is his hatchet. But, his English teacher told him to be positive, whether the situation is bad or worse. The hatchet, which means a very important thing to him, helps him to make a fire, chopping off the dry limbs, and even kill an animal. His English teacher's advice helps he a lot, too. "Keep Positive" was like the reason of why Brian stay alive; he try to think positive, do things positive.
My greatest asset is the my friend and my family. They always support me and encourage me to try things that I  have never try before. Although my friends and family support me in anywhere, anytime, but in the wild, all this encouragement is useless. In the wild, the only thing that will help me to survive is myself, and the suggestion that my friend and family give. Optimism is my quality. Keep positive is my strategy when I'm trapped in the wilderness. Although optimism is not a thing that we can can touch, but it exist in yourself. So...keep positive and optimistic when you are alone.

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