Friday, April 27, 2012

Journal Entry 70: Narrator

If the narrator is unreliable, then the whole story is unreliable, too. If the narrator is unreliable, then who will tell the story?? The other narrator? No way. The character? No way. (maybe?!) Then, why the writer of the story write a story with unreliable narrator? Maybe the author wants readers to be confused and misled by the unreliable narrator. Or, the author is trying to make the readers to think more deeper. In other stories, I think there is no stories that contain a narrator that cannot be trusted. Except for a horror stories called "The Tell-Tale Heart", a horror story that contains a unreliable narrator. Well, in real life, I think in real life everyone can be their own story's narrator, but every story is control by god. Well, basically, if a person tells you a story, you can't just believe that story is real or not, but sometimes you have to go find evidence about the story. There is some other exceptions about whether the story from your friends is real or not; if you have a best best friend and both of you promise that you will not lie to each other, then the unreliable narrator doesn't exist in the conversation. I would like to have this kind of friend, a friend that will listen to what I care.

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