Thursday, February 16, 2012

Journal Entry 45: List Poem

In our last journal, we wrote about a list that we do or like, then we have to wrote a poem with this list. I wrote about my day in school. Here it goes, the poem about my day in school:

The first class of my day in school is algebra class,
all we have to do is finish algebra worksheet all period.
It is important because it determines did I pass,
and I am serious.

Chatting with my friends,
goofing around,
until the school ends,
or heard the bell sound.

During a bunch of class,
I was daydreaming.
Simply not paying that much attention on class,
poor me.

Go on Facebook and Skype is my everyday business.
I also chat with my friend on Facebook and Skype,
with lots of non-carelessness.
without anyone of them, I will died.

It is usual to see me playing my game while I'm writing my homework.
Or wasting my time on watching TV.
It cause me loads of work to do after watching my friend flirt.
But I'm still playing Facebook with Tetris.

Listening to music makes my day.
It helps me to calm down.
Whenever the song started with a Hey!
Everyone started to count:
One, Two, Three!!!
We shout !!

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