Thursday, May 3, 2012

Journal Entry 72: My Tell-Tale Ending

"... Louder! Louder! Louder! Louder!". I scream and yell like a little girl is haunted by a ghost, I said, "I'm the killer! I kill the old man and hide him under the planks!! It's right over there!! Go and take a look for yourself!!". The police ripe off the planks and see a corpse without head, legs, and arms. "Take him back to the department!!", the chief said. They handcuff me and push me into the car and send me to the police department. They put me into a little room which is called a jail. I feel so mad at myself, I'm so mad that why did I kill the old man,maybe I'm really mad and insane? Maybe I really hate his eyes. Next day, I am sending to a court, after a serious debating, I am guilty and I will be hang. From now on, I am going to spent the rest of my life wisely in the jail. I think the life in jail is better than the life when I'm not in jail. There are free foods and I have times to do things I want to do with using the toilet and sleeping on the bed. The best thing is that I don't have to pay the rent of the house!!! In here, I have free room and free time. But tomorrow, I will say goodbye to the world, how sad is it. Ok, I guess that's it, my story will end here, I wish you guys (yes, you who is reading this right now) enjoy my story.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, the main character finally think himself is insane and mad. Yea!!! Free foods and spend all your time for nothing~! What a wonderful life~! :) Renee~ Renee~ Renee~ I like your story!!! :)
