Friday, April 20, 2012

Journal Entry 67: Betrayal

In Dwight Okita's poem "In Response to Executive Order 9066", a Japanese girl who thinks she is a real American was betrayed by her friend who was a real American names Denise. During that period, which is World War II, American and Japanese were having a war. Before the Japanese girls was betrayed by Denise, they were the best friend; they look at boys together; she tells Denise she's going bald, Denise tells her to copy on tests. But one day, Denise was sitting far away from the Japanese girl, Denise said, "you're trying to start w war, giving secrets away." Since during the World War II period the American hates Japanese, Denise thought the Japanese girls would give the secrets to the Japanese government. The Japanese girl response to the betrayed by giving Denise a packet of tomato seeds and tells her when the first tomato ripened, she would miss her. The sentence that the Japanese girl said means she's leaving to the camp that kept the Japanese during the war. I've saw one of my friend (lets call her A) was betrayed by another one of my friend (lets call her B), and here's the story: A and B was good friend (not best but good), A trusted B and told B one of A's secret and told B not to tell anyone. However, B was been a big mouth and told everyone in the school A's secret. A feels betrayed, then A stop talking to B because A thinks B will tell everyone about what A is thinking.

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