Friday, May 11, 2012

Journal Entry 76: Analogy

"Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you get". This is from the movie "Forrest Gump"; his mama told him this sentence to remind him how life is special. Me, my analogy is "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know which one is the expired one". It means that the life is full of surprised, but sometimes you never know when will you meet the problem. It also compare life with chocolate in the first part of the sentence, then in the second part of the sentence, it compare the chocolate that is expired or not. In my opinion, I think it is so true, because sometime you will just get surprise by the surprise (this sounds kinda wrong, but you get what I mean). Trust is like a mirror, if you break it, it can't be fixed. In this sentence, they compare the trust with the mirror. If the mirror broke, then it can't be fixed; although you can fixed it, but in the future, the mirror will still have some crack. I think this analogy is so true. If a person lie to you once, they will lie to you twice, so it's better if you leave them.


  1. Hey Renee :D
    I totally agree with you on the chocolate box thing, it really is full of surprises and really never know what's going to happen.
    Maybe that's the reason why life is such a bitter-sweet thing :D
    I also totally agree with you on the breaking mirror thing, it is really hard to go back to before no matter how hard you try.
    Sometimes why somebody hurt or lie to you, maybe time can change it and the scars wouldn't hurt anymore, but you will still remember what happened before.

    1. it's when somebody hurt or lie to you, not why somebody hurt or lie to you :P typo
