Thursday, March 8, 2012

Journal Entry 54: Solving Problems

I had learned many things from reading many books. You can learn different writing styles, literary terms and applying them in your own piece of writing. You can also learn the principle of life. Movie and television show also puts out many "educational" stuff to teach the young kids or adults. "Phineas and Ferb" is a television show which kids and adults love to watch. In this show, Phineas and Ferb always drive their sister crazy; this teach me that even though how hard you want to bust your brother, it won't work; if it doesn't work, then why bother trying to do it?
I also learned many things from Life Science class. This class teaches me about the structure of almost every species in the world. Information about life science will help me on the career when I grow up. I want to be a forensic doctor (at least it is now my personal goal). If I don't know about the human body structure, then how am I going to be a forensic doctor? So, Life science is very very important to all of us (at least to me).
Oh! Algebra!! It is also the most important in the world. The first time I learned about algebra, I thought it is useless, it's just a bunch of numbers, then I start to figure out that algebra live with us in this world! We use algebra when we are buying things, trading stuff, and even increase our desire of knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. :D no wonder you are so smart... you read so many books... :O The movie and television really make us learn something oh~ so parents should let us to watch TV ;) Phineas and Ferb is the BEST TV SHOW EVER!!! ;) ;) ;) It includes a lot of knowledge in it. We'll become architects in the future after we watch Phineas and Ferb :) GOOD JOB RENEE~
