Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Journal Entry 62: Spring Break

First, I have to complain about the spring break, just few or more sentences. SPRING BREAK IS TOO SHORT!! WHY IT CAN'T BE MORE LONGER!!! Ok, I'm done of complaining how short the spring break is. Now, let me tell you guys about what I do on my spring break. I have fun on my spring break. Our spring break is actually our graduation trip. We went to Bali for our graduation trip. Bali is very very hot, however, the cool and icy drinks could always cool us down. Those icy drinks taste very delicious and their name is very creative. For example, "baby money" is made up of orange juice, pineapple juice and other passion fruit juice. (something like that...I guess...) "Oasis" is made up of lemon juice, soda water, and strawberry juice. Another drink that I love the most is Mocha milkshake; it is very delicious that I stay up at the night and went to the bar to order one of the mocha milkshake to drink. At night like 8:30 ~ 10:30, some of us girls and boys went to swimming in the pool. It feels kind of awesome because Club Med have night party near the bar. At the last night, we went to shopping. I spent only 25 US dollars (about 750 NT) on buying the clothing and other food like cup noodle (it taste good, too.) I like the graduation trip. I have never been to Bali except this time. I wish that I can go to Bali next time if I had chance.

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