Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Journal Entry 56: Lost in the Woods

If I was lost in the wood, I will scream first. at least someone might heard my scream; if they didn't hear the scream, at least I tried to scream. If I can choose where can I was lost in the wilderness, I will definitely choose to be lost in the woods. In the woods, there are many animals; animals can be killed and become our food; also, the dry woods can make a fire if you know how to. However, in the wood is still dangerous; if there are animals, therefore, there must be strong, terrible animals in the woods, too. In case of I lost in the woods, here is a plan for me to survive in the wood. First, I will collect some dry woods and arrange them into the sign "SOS", in case that is some rescue airplane or helicopter come; I will keep some dry limbs so it came be made into a fire. Second, I must build my own shelter. Like Brian, my shelter must be close to a pond or river, so it will be easier to obtain water. Third, Food is also important, so I have to search for some foods.  Finally and last, I should always be ready to protect myself and the foods; not only protecting myself, but also, I should always be ready to grab a fire and run to SOS place to ignite the SOS sign.

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