Friday, May 25, 2012

Journal Entry 82: My Last Journal Entry

Wow, this is my last journal entry; LAST JOURNAL ENTRY!!!, isn't that exciting? I mean, no more journal after this eh!!! Journal entry has been driving me crazy since I started to write them; they are really annoying, it just increase your homework when you have a lots of homework already. However, I think writing journals help me a lot; I mean, when you are writing a short paragraph, you might spent many times on thinking how to write, but when you write many journal every week, you might only need little time to finish your short paragraph. This helps me a lot; it might just save me lots of time on writing a whether short paragraph or long essay. OK, now I look over all of my journal entry, and I think it's cool when you see all the stuff you write   through out all the time. Where I think I can improve?? Yea, definitely, I think I can change the font into other kinds, and change the background; I can, but I am just too lazy to do all those thing (actually I don't care about those thing though :P). Actually, I feel awesome because when you copy all the stuff that you have written and  paste it on a blank word, then you take a look, you'll see..................THERE IS A LOT OF WORDS!!!! HAHAHA...  (not funny, I know)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Journal Entry 81: In Defense of My Treasure

In "The Treasure of Lemon Brown", Lemon Brown defend for his own treasure, which others think it's no-so-important and no value thing for others. A person's own treasure must meant something to their own, so as Mr. Brown. He thinks his treasure is very very important to him, like how treasure box meant to the pirates. However, Mr. Brown's treasure was sort of Jesse's remnant for Mr. Brown.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Journal Entry 80: My Treasure

Well, everyone has their own treasure, but I think my treasure is my family. For me, family is like the most important thing in my life. Our own family always take care of us, which makes them my treasure of my life. They raised me when I was still a baby. but the most difficult stuff that they do is that they have to stand our rebellion. They even spend many money on us, like send us to expensive school, buying other clothing stuff, and the entertainment technology stuff. Some other people think the money, jewelry, and gold are their treasure, but I think those kind of things can be lost very easily, then that treasure means nothing to you. We should totally respect our family and cherish them as your most valuable thing. My family (actually is my grandmother who lives in Taipei) take care of me since I was born in Taipei. My grandmother raised me until I was 1, which they said is not that easy because my dad always said that I kept crying if my grandma didn't carrying me around. Then, I was sent to Houlong, where I was raised until I finished kindergarten. My grandpa always took me and my sister to a ride during the weekend, and sometimes I always help my another grandma to wrap the flower in her store. Well, I think that's all. All I want to mention again is that you have to cherish your family, because you only have one family in your whole life.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Journal Entry 79: My Background

I am Renee Chang. I am born in Taipei, Taiwan. I used to live there and raised by my grandma until I was 1. Then I moved to Houlong (in Miaoli) when I went to kindergarten. Lastly, I moved to Hsinchu where I went to elementary school and middle school, maybe even high school. I am a freethinker, which means I don't have any religious belief. I have one sister, 3 uncles, and 4 cousins. I was born on October third. My grandfather was a general in the army; since he is a general, it is easier for my father to "survive" in the army. My father works as an administrator; it is the one of the easiest job in the army. I think my sister is insane, she likes to "bully" (making fun) of me, which is very very annoying. I don't understand why people wants to have a younger or older sibling, I mean, sometimes they will make fun of us, and sometimes there will be having some fights with us. But not me, although there are fights between me and my sister, but that was before; now, we treat each other fair and we talk about everything. Well, I love my family, except when my parents are yelling at me.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Journal Entry 78: Style

I think the style of "Raymond's Run" is probably the speaker of the story likes to criticize other people and make the other people in the story think that they are the best in whole world.  After all, the main idea in this story is that the main character of the story, Squeaky, said she is the fastest thing in the world, no one is faster than her. Squeaky doesn't like those people who like to act like things come to them "naturally", even they said that they didn't practice a thing. In the story, Squeaky knows a girl named Cynthia Procter, who is the opposite to Squeaky; if there is a test tomorrow, Cynthia will just said something fun to everyone just to let all of them know that Cynthia is not thinking or reviewing of the quiz. Another person that Squeaky talks about is her enemy is a clique: included Gretchen and her sidekicks: Mary Louise, and Rosie. Gretchen is always thinking that she can beat Squeaky. In "Raymond's Run", the author uses imagery to describe how Squeaky is doing her breathing exercise. Another elements of style is dialect because Squeaky told the story in her point of view and also express her feelings and thoughts in this story.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Journal Entry 77: Slang

Slang is the use of informal words and impressions that are not considered as standard in the speaker's language or dialect. Well, I think the common slangs we use now is like "LOL", "LMAO", "ROFL", "LMFAO", "IDK", "WTH", "WTF" something like that (I'm not even sure about those acronyms; are they considered as slang? Actually I think it's a slang, because I heard some people use IDK in class or something like that). So those acronym mean like --> LOL stands for laugh out loud; LMAO stands for laugh my ass out; ROFL stands for rolling on floor laughing; LMFAO stands for laugh my fxxxxx ass out; the rest of the "slangs", yea, you guys know what those stands for. Nowadays, I think people use dude, man, bro some stuff like that to call other people. So, examples are like, hey dude wassup??. Or, LOL!! Man! LMAO!! Well, I don't even know why people use dude for men and women; so sometimes my sort of 'friend" (don't get confuse, it's the friend that I really hate that much) always use dude to scream at me when I did something wrong (however that thing I did wrong is my own business, not her's). Oh well, if you guys don't understand, I got some short videos that I found on Youtube can help you understand more about acronyms.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Journal Entry 76: Analogy

"Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you get". This is from the movie "Forrest Gump"; his mama told him this sentence to remind him how life is special. Me, my analogy is "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know which one is the expired one". It means that the life is full of surprised, but sometimes you never know when will you meet the problem. It also compare life with chocolate in the first part of the sentence, then in the second part of the sentence, it compare the chocolate that is expired or not. In my opinion, I think it is so true, because sometime you will just get surprise by the surprise (this sounds kinda wrong, but you get what I mean). Trust is like a mirror, if you break it, it can't be fixed. In this sentence, they compare the trust with the mirror. If the mirror broke, then it can't be fixed; although you can fixed it, but in the future, the mirror will still have some crack. I think this analogy is so true. If a person lie to you once, they will lie to you twice, so it's better if you leave them.