Friday, April 27, 2012

Journal Entry 70: Narrator

If the narrator is unreliable, then the whole story is unreliable, too. If the narrator is unreliable, then who will tell the story?? The other narrator? No way. The character? No way. (maybe?!) Then, why the writer of the story write a story with unreliable narrator? Maybe the author wants readers to be confused and misled by the unreliable narrator. Or, the author is trying to make the readers to think more deeper. In other stories, I think there is no stories that contain a narrator that cannot be trusted. Except for a horror stories called "The Tell-Tale Heart", a horror story that contains a unreliable narrator. Well, in real life, I think in real life everyone can be their own story's narrator, but every story is control by god. Well, basically, if a person tells you a story, you can't just believe that story is real or not, but sometimes you have to go find evidence about the story. There is some other exceptions about whether the story from your friends is real or not; if you have a best best friend and both of you promise that you will not lie to each other, then the unreliable narrator doesn't exist in the conversation. I would like to have this kind of friend, a friend that will listen to what I care.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Journal Entry 69: Scary Stories

I am scared of some of the things, like cockroaches, spiders, frogs (the real one, not the cartoon one), and many other things. I think those common thing that everyone is scared of makes up a pretty good scary story; however, those scary things have to pop out unexpected to scare people. The scary scream also count as a elements of being a part of the scary stories (scream doesn't quite count in a scary or horror stories, but it does count in the movie). I think the insects are scary only because of the way the walk and fly and their shape and structure. Some scary movie like "The Grudge" scares me (although I'm not the kind of person that is really easy to be scared). I mean, the ghosts usually appear at night or not being see (it does not include before the camera), but in "The Grudge", the small little boy ghost appears at day. It scares me because the boy looks pale white and HE IS NAKED!!!! The most important thing is that he is NAKED and he is grabbing a girl's leg. The ghosts in "The Grudge" is really disgusting!! (like people who shall not be named) It looks like they haven't shower for few months. I think being a ghost is scary, but its a ghost that looks like someone and it does not take the shower for many months!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Journal Entry 68: My Style

A person's style is the way that he or she show him or herself. Well, let me think of what my style is... I think I'm kind of weird (?!) I guess, because I don't like to being showing off something I have, unlike my another friend. However, I think I have double style. Something like being optimistic; I feels optimistic because sometimes I always think the bright side of a problem or a question. Sometimes I am immature because I uses some weird sound to joke around with other people (it's nothing wrong but I feel its kind of weird to be immature/a kid). Sometimes, I think I'm normal; talking to my classmate, chatting after school online with my friend, laughing at some funny stuff or videos, and going to school normally with wearing normal outfit prove that I am normal. BUT!!! Sometimes I am energetic, always wanted to move around or playing around; however!!!! I am NOT like GienChuae, always moving the table during class or staring at others when he/she doesn't ave a computer with him/her. People might think that I'm like the sky, unpredictable, but actually, it's opposite. My name is Renee Chang, my favorite sports are basketball and badminton. Sometimes I like to talk to people, but sometimes I like to walk by myself.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Journal Entry 67: Betrayal

In Dwight Okita's poem "In Response to Executive Order 9066", a Japanese girl who thinks she is a real American was betrayed by her friend who was a real American names Denise. During that period, which is World War II, American and Japanese were having a war. Before the Japanese girls was betrayed by Denise, they were the best friend; they look at boys together; she tells Denise she's going bald, Denise tells her to copy on tests. But one day, Denise was sitting far away from the Japanese girl, Denise said, "you're trying to start w war, giving secrets away." Since during the World War II period the American hates Japanese, Denise thought the Japanese girls would give the secrets to the Japanese government. The Japanese girl response to the betrayed by giving Denise a packet of tomato seeds and tells her when the first tomato ripened, she would miss her. The sentence that the Japanese girl said means she's leaving to the camp that kept the Japanese during the war. I've saw one of my friend (lets call her A) was betrayed by another one of my friend (lets call her B), and here's the story: A and B was good friend (not best but good), A trusted B and told B one of A's secret and told B not to tell anyone. However, B was been a big mouth and told everyone in the school A's secret. A feels betrayed, then A stop talking to B because A thinks B will tell everyone about what A is thinking.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Journal Entry 66: Real American

How can a real Japanese said that she is a real american? It is like a donkey said that it is a horse!! Anyways, in Dwight Okita's "In Response to Executive Order 9066", Dwight said that she have always felt funny to use the chopsticks, her favorite food is hot dog, and her best friend is a "white" girl named Denise (why did Dwight use the word "white"?? It's kind of racist when you use the word "white" to call a real american). Dwight choose those details to say that she is a real american because the most common impression from us to american is that their snacks are hamburger, hot dog, milkshake, and deep fried chicken. Using "funny to use chopstick" and "favorite food is hot dog" is pretty convincing because it is the mostly common impression to american. However, I think it is kind of weird that Dwight lived in America and called herself as an American but she is actually Japanese. If I was Dwight and I want to using details of "us" (Taiwanese) to describe myself, I think I would use "having an Asian look",and "using chopsticks very well like other Asians". This is most common details that I can think of when the first thing that come up my mind about the self-description details.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Journal Entry 65: General Conditions

In the story, Camp Harmony can be describe as a crappy, dirty place that located in United State. Around this camp, horrible wires are surrounding the camp, makes it looks like a haunted, abandoned camp; but also, the wire makes the camp looks cramped and small. I guess Americans put the wires on top of the fence because they don't want Japanese to run away. The whole camp is every scary only because of the wire on the fence. However, they divided the camp into A, B, C, D zone. They (Americans) allot Japanese and others into different zone; maybe is because of their nationality, or maybe is because their level. Life in there sucks at all!! They have to be in their room at nine o'clock at night, and they have to turn their lights off when the clock reaches ten at night. But this is not the worst thing about Camp Harmony. I think the worst thing about Camp Harmony is the meal they eat there!!! I think the meal over there is not meal for us to eat; the bread is not soft, is like slab; and the potato is only boiled, not with any flavor. I think this is enough for people to live with this foods, but some people might complain about it in today's world. In Camp PAS, at least everything is better than Camp Harmony. No rules like go to your room at nine o'clock in the night (at least not for us, it's for dorm student...) or rules like turn the lights off at ten o'clock. The food in Camp PAS looks much better than the food in Camp Harmony, although I bring my own lunch to school.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Journal Entry 64: Camp Harmony

The word harmony means peace, happiness, harmless, unity; however, this word also means a pleasant combination of music. I think this word "harmony" isn't appropriate for the camp in this story, because the camp is a place where they put the Japanese and German during WWII. It sounds a little bit ironic because some of them don't even know where and why are they going to that place. The people who name Camp Harmony is so bad at naming; they didn't think about others who are being cheated to go to the Camp Harmony. However, the name Camp Harmony sounds not so horrible; if the name is "Camp of Bad Ass" or "Camp of Criminals", then most of the people will hide and refuse to go there. Monica Sone uses the adjective "hopefully" because Camp Harmony sounds something peaceful; since it sounds peaceful, the other adjective that is appropriate for harmony is hopeful. If I had to give a camp a name, I think I will name it Camp of Happiness or Camp of Rainbow Ponies. Camp of Rainbow Ponies sounds much more peaceful and attracting, and it sounds peaceful than Camp Harmony. Seriously, if I can really name the camp, my camp will be so crowded only because of the name of my camp.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Journal Entry 63: Camp Pictures

In out Elements of Literature book page 476, there is a "crowded" picture. In this picture, many people are line up and  going into a warehouse like house. Behind the house, there are three tall chimneys with smoke coming out. People outside the house are line up; children and their parents are in the line with them in the front of the line. I think the house can't contain that much people at once because there are many people. However, if look closer to the picture, there are people in the house already before others go inside the house. I guess the life there is super boring because they have to stay in a small place (comparing to large amount of people) with a large group of people. If I live there, I will be insane, because the house will be hot and humid; everybody release lots of carbon dioxide at the same time, the oxygen will become less. The place in the picture is totally different from the place I live now. In the picture, the people that are going into the house is around 50 times of my family members. There must be very crowded in this picture. The people of the place I live in is less than those people in the picture. I am so glad that I am not living in that kind of place.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Journal Entry 62: Spring Break

First, I have to complain about the spring break, just few or more sentences. SPRING BREAK IS TOO SHORT!! WHY IT CAN'T BE MORE LONGER!!! Ok, I'm done of complaining how short the spring break is. Now, let me tell you guys about what I do on my spring break. I have fun on my spring break. Our spring break is actually our graduation trip. We went to Bali for our graduation trip. Bali is very very hot, however, the cool and icy drinks could always cool us down. Those icy drinks taste very delicious and their name is very creative. For example, "baby money" is made up of orange juice, pineapple juice and other passion fruit juice. (something like that...I guess...) "Oasis" is made up of lemon juice, soda water, and strawberry juice. Another drink that I love the most is Mocha milkshake; it is very delicious that I stay up at the night and went to the bar to order one of the mocha milkshake to drink. At night like 8:30 ~ 10:30, some of us girls and boys went to swimming in the pool. It feels kind of awesome because Club Med have night party near the bar. At the last night, we went to shopping. I spent only 25 US dollars (about 750 NT) on buying the clothing and other food like cup noodle (it taste good, too.) I like the graduation trip. I have never been to Bali except this time. I wish that I can go to Bali next time if I had chance.