Friday, March 23, 2012

Journal Entry 61: Film v Book

Have you guys ever watch "A Cry In The Wild"? This is a movie based on a famous novel called "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. Then, have you ever think about the similarities and differences between two version of Hatchet? I'm guess you do. The film actually contain the most important and important part of the book; unlike the book, the author describes the tiny part of the story. However, the basic part of the book is still the same as the part of the film. The characters, plot, or others. Although sometime, the film change the name of the character, and the events in the book. I suggest you to read the book first, then watch the movie, because the book describe more details that in the film. For example, in the book Brian land on the water, but in the film, Brian cannot control the steering wheel and land on the water like he's doing it on purpose. Each medium tells a story, but in different ways. The film is easier for the audience to remember most of the plot of the story; in the books, although it describe every detail of the story, but sometimes you'll get bored by reading the unexcited part of the story.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Journal Entry 60: Hip-Hop Language

Hip-hop language, actually I don't know what's hip-hop language; the only thing I know about the hip-hop language is like the lyrics of "6 foot 7 foot" by Lil Wayne, something like that. Since this journal we have to write about hip-hop language and everyday activities and my everyday activities is wake up early in the morning and study and study or go to school, I guess my topic is about my daily life and activities, but only in a "hip-hop" and "funky" way. Hey! Today I woke up in the morning and I feel great! Yo, I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and I feel great! Wow! I arrived at school before I was lock out! Damn! I got good score on every test in different class! What's up? I said to my friends during lunch time. Cool! We don't have homework for this class today! Ha! The bell of the last class is going to ring! Yeh! We can finally go home now! Oh my god! I totally forget about the presentation tomorrow!! I'm screw! Finally, my today ended with hip-hop style.
I think this journal entry is not really true because I didn't get good score on every test in different class. Anyways, I did write something by using hip-hop language, so I guess that I get a full credit??

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Journal Entry 59: Epic Language

Since this journal suppose to be epic, and use "fancy"word, so now I am going to write an epic poem about my  "Everyday to be in the school":

Everyday when I woke up this morning I feel fantastic!
All the things seem so realistic.
In the car on the way to school,
I was listening to "What Makes You Beautiful"
By One Direction, and I feel really really great.
I met my awesome friends and peers,
They make me feels fancy.
To be honest, being with them light up my "fancy" life.
On the class of each period, we laugh,
Making fun of "someone", and even day-dreaming.
During the lunch time, I rush to the place where the microwave placed,
Trying to be the first one to use the "heating machine".
After lunch, next is other 2 period of class.
Finally, the awesome life-saver bell ran.
At the same time, I rush home to turn my coolest computer,
open a website called "Facebook".
Then, I posted few pictures of furry monster,
which is a cookie monster, but it's more furrier than before.
Now, everyone should be a fan of fancy furry monster
After they seen the furry monster photos.
All I have to do now, is to write a fancy conclusion to end my fancy journal entry: epic.
I think my life-saver is my peers, my music, my Facebook, and the furry monster.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Journal Entry 58: Luck

In Hatchet, Brian says that his survival is depend on luck more than anything else. Well yes, I agree with what Brian said, when he almost knock unconscious during the plane crash but he still survive. He is lucky because he is only thirteen years old and he still survive in the Canadian wood for almost two months. He is lucky because he is able to catch food. He is also lucky because he become more observant and sensitive after this "adventure". However, he has back luck, too. He has bad luck because he had a plane crash in the wilderness. Also, he got attacked by porcupine, moose, and tornado; plus, he had to rebuild his shelter after the tornado!! The worst thing that had happen to Brian is that he was on his way to visit his father in Canada, but on the way, he saw someone died, and having a plane crash after he saw a person died; the worst thing is that, that person was his pilot on the plane!! The ways to get a good luck is very simple. Going to pray or baibai (Chinese tradition) is a way to get a good luck. If you are a christian, you can draw a cross on your hand or somewhere else (it is helpful). The bad luck occurs on you when you see a black cat.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Journal Entry 57: What Makes Fire

In the book "Hatchet", Brian used what he learned in school, watch on television, observe what is around him to apply in the wild when he was trapped in the wilderness. To me, first I thought you can make fire by rubbing 2 sticks, but at last, it doesn't work. Brian tried to make a fire, but he fail many times. After he used his "brain", Brian start to figure out the 3 main necessary conditions to make a fire: The hatchet, which is to make sparks; wood, which is to make friction; and the heat, which is called temperature, too. The first time he tried to make a fire is by rubbing 2 sticks, but then he found out this type of making fire doesn't work. Then, the second time Brian tried to make fire is by using the hatchet. He accidentally hit the wall although he aimed the porcupine in his shelter, then the sparks came out. Brian figured out the way to make a fire. At first, Brian used his hatchet to create some sparks on the "dry" woods, but it still doesn't work. He think, "something must go wrong," then, he blew on the wood while he added some sparks on the wood. Finally, Brian had made his first fire.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Journal Entry 56: Lost in the Woods

If I was lost in the wood, I will scream first. at least someone might heard my scream; if they didn't hear the scream, at least I tried to scream. If I can choose where can I was lost in the wilderness, I will definitely choose to be lost in the woods. In the woods, there are many animals; animals can be killed and become our food; also, the dry woods can make a fire if you know how to. However, in the wood is still dangerous; if there are animals, therefore, there must be strong, terrible animals in the woods, too. In case of I lost in the woods, here is a plan for me to survive in the wood. First, I will collect some dry woods and arrange them into the sign "SOS", in case that is some rescue airplane or helicopter come; I will keep some dry limbs so it came be made into a fire. Second, I must build my own shelter. Like Brian, my shelter must be close to a pond or river, so it will be easier to obtain water. Third, Food is also important, so I have to search for some foods.  Finally and last, I should always be ready to protect myself and the foods; not only protecting myself, but also, I should always be ready to grab a fire and run to SOS place to ignite the SOS sign.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Journal Entry 55: Personal Assets

In Hatchet, Brian was lost in the wild, alone. When his plane crashed, he is the only survivor. The only thing he had is his hatchet. But, his English teacher told him to be positive, whether the situation is bad or worse. The hatchet, which means a very important thing to him, helps him to make a fire, chopping off the dry limbs, and even kill an animal. His English teacher's advice helps he a lot, too. "Keep Positive" was like the reason of why Brian stay alive; he try to think positive, do things positive.
My greatest asset is the my friend and my family. They always support me and encourage me to try things that I  have never try before. Although my friends and family support me in anywhere, anytime, but in the wild, all this encouragement is useless. In the wild, the only thing that will help me to survive is myself, and the suggestion that my friend and family give. Optimism is my quality. Keep positive is my strategy when I'm trapped in the wilderness. Although optimism is not a thing that we can can touch, but it exist in yourself. So...keep positive and optimistic when you are alone.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Journal Entry 54: Solving Problems

I had learned many things from reading many books. You can learn different writing styles, literary terms and applying them in your own piece of writing. You can also learn the principle of life. Movie and television show also puts out many "educational" stuff to teach the young kids or adults. "Phineas and Ferb" is a television show which kids and adults love to watch. In this show, Phineas and Ferb always drive their sister crazy; this teach me that even though how hard you want to bust your brother, it won't work; if it doesn't work, then why bother trying to do it?
I also learned many things from Life Science class. This class teaches me about the structure of almost every species in the world. Information about life science will help me on the career when I grow up. I want to be a forensic doctor (at least it is now my personal goal). If I don't know about the human body structure, then how am I going to be a forensic doctor? So, Life science is very very important to all of us (at least to me).
Oh! Algebra!! It is also the most important in the world. The first time I learned about algebra, I thought it is useless, it's just a bunch of numbers, then I start to figure out that algebra live with us in this world! We use algebra when we are buying things, trading stuff, and even increase our desire of knowledge.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Journal Entry 53: Triolet

Triolet of End of the Hall
At the end of the hall
There is a mirror
which hang on the wall
At the end of the hall
I throw a ball
It make a sound of horror
At the end of the hall
There is a mirror

Triolet of Chubby Bunny
Once there is a bunny
They jump very high
But it is very chubby
Once there is a bunny
They looks funny
They can jump higher that out of our sight
Once there is a bunny 
They jump very high

Friday, March 2, 2012

Journal Entry 52: You and Nature

Almost everyone said that "nature is mother of Earth," I agree with it. Nature, means bugs everywhere, which I hate in the world. Bug looks weird and disgusting, but some of them are useful to this world, they have contributed to the world. Cockroaches, which I hate the most, are a decomposer, help to decompose the dead bodies of animals. Bees, it helps to carry the pollen to another flower while they were sucking the nectar; carrying the pollen to another flower helps flowers to reproduce. In the nature, there is still some animals that looks cute and furry. Bears, the furriest animal in the nature; they looks cute, but sometimes they attack people. Dog and cats, also the cutest animal in the world, is our best friend. Sometimes, the nature amazes me. Like Grand Canyon, is not human-made, attract many tourists every year. Niagara Falls, the greatest waterfall in the world, is not human-made, too. There are seasons in the nature, spring, summer, fall, and winter. Sometimes, the nature kills people. In the wild during the winter, people were stuck in the woods, and they died because of freezing. Finally, all I can say is that: be nice to the animals, don't kill any bugs if you were force to, or you will destroy the chain of the nature. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Journal Entry 51: Limerick Poem

Limerick Poem of Dime
A man got a shiny dime,
During the afternoon tea time;
But the dime has a curse,
And it can't be reverse,
So the man were killed by chock on the lime.

Limerick Poem of Unicorn
Once there was an unicorn,
It has a long, pointy horn.
One day, it saw a mate,
then they have a date.
Finally, a new unicorn was born.

Limerick Poem of Oreo Kid
In the studio,
Everyone were listened to the radio.
But there is one person,
He has no reason,
Sitting there and eat Oreo.